FWF's Top Moments of 2019

We are in the season of reflection and looking back over the past 365 days. It’s always a good idea to find time to check in with yourself - not just at the end of the year. We like to do it quarterly. Taking a few minutes to think about (or write down) your favorite moments, biggest wins and losses, happiest and saddest days, what made you laugh loudest or cry hardest. We also believe in being action-oriented. What can you do next time to right those losses? What lessons did you learn along the way? How can you make that next project bigger or better? Maybe you actually need to scale something down to function better.

As we look forward to 2020, and begin to plan more for Fit with Finesse, we did a bit of looking back as well. Get into our top moments and favorites below.


Shawnie’s Faves

This year, Shawnie hit the stage for her second bikini fitness competition, and boy did she look goodt!

The prep and dedication to get to the stage is not an easy feat. Her discipline is the type of inspiration we need in 2020.


CaCera’s Faves:

CaCera completed a Spartan Super and Half Marathon within two months of each other - who does that?

She may be impulsive, but goes for things head on. Her determination to get things done is what we are channeling more of in 2020.

Have you set your goals and intentions for 2020? What’s one fitness goal you’ve set for next year? Share with us in the comments below.