#FitGirlMagic: Ashton Strachan
How strong is your family?
We mean this literally. Plenty of us can think of at least one family member that we would love to help get on the right track when it comes to overall health and wellness
Often times, it takes leading by example. Ashton Strachan is a Family Nurse Practitioner and triathlete who often has family right beside her in the midst of her races. Check out how fitness is a family affair for this crew.
Tell us a little about yourself, your background. When did health and wellness become a priority for you and what motivates you to live a healthy lifestyle?
I began taking gymnastics at age five and started cheering in junior high school through college. I majored in nursing and furthered my education by becoming a family nurse practitioner. I stress living a healthy lifestyle to my patients. I know it isn’t always easy, but it is so important. I truly feel better when I am living a healthy lifestyle (exercising consistently, decreasing sugar intake, increasing fresh fruits and vegetables).
What led you to competing in races and triathlons? What is it that you love about them? What is your biggest challenge?
I never really thought about doing triathlons growing up. My husband had a goal to complete an Ironman someday (2.4-mile swim, 112-mile bike ride, 26.2-mile run). I honestly laughed at that and told him I would support him but there was no way I would ever do one. Well… as he was playing a YouTube marathon of triathlons on TV, I was sucked in. I thought maybe I could do a sprint (400-meter swim, 12-mile bike, 5K run). I signed up for my 1st race that would occur 2 months later.
Now a little background…growing up, my parents signed us up for swimming lessons 1 week each summer. Now this was not swimming that perfects your stroke… this was swimming, so you don’t drown. I had no technique whatsoever. I honestly didn’t realize how significant swimming technique would be. I always loved riding my bike growing up and even rode my bike on campus in college, I thought this wouldn’t be hard. I have never enjoyed running but thought I could handle a 5K. I had very minimal goals for my first race (don’t drown, don’t die, finish, and don’t come in last…which are still my goals now). The day of my first race I completed an open water swim (I wouldn’t recommend waiting till race day to do anything for the first time especially this). I managed to finish my first race and met ALL my goals…. I was hooked! Needless to say, my husband and I are training for our first Half Ironman in September 2019 and Full Ironman September 2020.
Fitness and wellness is a family affair for you. You often compete with your husband, and your sister is a Cross-Fitter. How has this impacted your fitness journey? What role does it play in your relationships?
My best example started with my mom. Growing up, I remember her exercising all the time. She likes to run half marathons now. We all inspire and encourage each other in our fitness endeavors. I have gone to my sister’s CrossFit competitions and she has supported me in my triathlons. My mom and sister have also been on triathlon relay teams with me! I am thankful my husband and I both are training and doing triathlons together. It gives us a way to hang out together but also participate in healthy behaviors.
What tips would you give for those looking to get their loved ones up, active and moving?
I think doing things in a team approach is a GREAT way to get multiple people involved. If you have someone who could swim, bike, and run, you could form a triathlon team. I promise being in the environment will then inspire anyone to complete a whole race by themselves.
What do you wish black women would embrace most when it comes to health and wellness?
I hope that black women can experience what true health and wellness feels like. This doesn’t have to be with Triathlons (although it is a very underrepresented sport… generally you can count on 1 or 2 hands how many black people participated). Just finding your grove of healthy eating and finding what exercise habits works best to live a long, healthy, happy life.
Why do you believe diversity in the fitness and wellness industry is important?
It’s important to see people who look like you. To know that true health and wellness is possible. Like I said, Triathlons are very underrepresented. We have a Facebook group that supports black triathletes, so we can meet up and encourage one another.