#FitGirlMagic: Lisa Monger
We could gush about Lisa all day, and the fact that she is in the best shape of her life over the age of 40. However, it’s her own words that will give you a glimpse in her Fit Girl Magic.
We honestly can’t believe it took us this long share the magic that is our fitness big sister with all of you. Lisa Monger is a financial professional, fitness instructor and licensed massage therapist in Memphis, Tenn.
She is also an amazing wife, mother, sister…you know, all the hats we as women wear. The magic is that Lisa balances it all with fierce determination, grace and an open ear when needed.
When did you fall in love with the fitness industry?
My love for fitness started when I began taking group fitness classes. I really enjoyed the community and the energy in the room. The feeling was similar to taking a dance classes back in my college days. I kept going back to class after class. I heard the incredible stories of weight loss and learn how exercise helped others with anxiety & depression. I began researching different workouts and proper technique for strength exercises. Suddenly, I wanted to be the person to help others like people helped me.
Tell us a little about your background.
I was also a dancer growing up. I began taking dance lessons at the age of three and continued through college. Dancing made me feel strong and dance competitions played to my competitive side. Fast forward many years and two kids later, I went from being a size 0 to weighting over 200 lbs. I was taking pills to combat health issues and couldn’t even walk a quarter-mile. One day I realized, I used to dance eight hours a day and now I can’t even walk around the corner. I knew something had to change. I immediately set two fitness goals: get off the pills and be able to walk around my neighborhood.
What motivates you to live a healthy lifestyle?
I don’t want the young members of my family to go down the same road of unhealthy eating and sedentary lifestyle that was slowly killing me. I want the elders in my family to know that change is possible.
Describe your personal brand in three words.
I have four words, “Start where you are.” We see athletes, models and social celebrities doing all these cool workouts and nice bodies. That’s great! But start where you are physically, mentally and spiritually. Bench pressing heavy weights may be your goal, but you won’t be able to lift that on day one. Same thing with getting in shape and weight loss. If you can only lift 5 lbs or do five jumping jacks on day one, great. That’s where you are today, but look out! Next week, it’s 7 lbs.
What’s your favorite cheat meal? What’s your favorite healthy meal?
Breakfast! I love blueberry pancakes. For a healthy meal, I like firing up the grill. I will meal prep grilled chicken, grilled corn on the cob and sauteed spinach.
How do you tap into motivation and how do you achieve balance?
I have a lot of journals. Some recount what happened day-to-day, others with research notes and workout programs I’ve created. There are journals with things I want to do or never repeat. They are the biggest help. Go back and read a diary or journal of yours from high school. I promise there is a day in there where you wrote, “This is the worst day ever!” You will laugh reading it now.
My journals are my pep talk to myself.
When it comes to balance, I schedule everything I can. In my free time, I try to maintain flexibility to go with the flow. A planner, calendar and Alexa help keeps me on task, but a glass of wine makes everything. Having an amazing hubby doesn’t hurt either. He reminds me it is okay to take time for me. It’s 100% okay to have a day where you only get out of the bed for snacks and bathroom breaks.
To be honest, this is just a snippet of gems from Lisa. There’s more we could share. We think the greatest moment of magic came from a quote she shared from her daughter. It shows how her light shines through her kids. Lisa says her daughter taught her the phrase, “Jesus said, ‘No.’ Don’t take it to mean never, but no at the moment.”
Is there a woman of color killing in the fitness industry that sparks all kinds of Fit Girl Magic and Black Girl Joy for you? Tell us who they are! We would love to feature them. Leave us a note in the comments or join the conversation on our IG page.