Balance It Out
I will not fall
I will stand tall
Feels like no one can beat me
We are all striving for more balance. Balance between personal and professional life. Balance in what we eat. Balance in how we think and what we consume. Balance between making a living and pursuing our passion. In fact, the word “balance” has become a bit of a buzzword with plenty of debate around if it is truly something real we can achieve.
What we don’t discuss as much is physical balance. Balance training should be a part of any fitness plan. Due to the amount of time we spend sitting at our computers, many of us having muscle imbalances. Have you ever noticed that one side of your body moves and reacts different than the other side? Balance training helps to correct those imbalances, build strength equally, and gives us more control over our bodies. Better body balance makes it easier to move and helps prevent injury.
Slow and controlled is the way to go when it comes to balance training. There are plenty of ways to easily incorporate balance-focused moves into your current fitness routine. Take those squats and lunges onto the top of a BOSU ball, add a yoga or TRX class into your week, or incorporate some one-leg moves into your warm-up and cool-down (like a squat to lateral leg raise or a plank with elbows on a stability ball).
Now that you know the benefits, give the below circuit a try over the next week. You can check out a video of all the moves via our Instagram.